Good Jobs Framework
Understand how parents perceive higher education for their kids in the midst of changing needs and costs.

Jobs for the Future (JFF) has developed a Good Jobs Framework that identifies a comprehensive definition of job quality, based on what’s important to workers today, and a new, modern approach to providing the flexibility, autonomy, and stable economic opportunities that individuals deserve and families need. The fact is that a high wage is just one aspect of a good job and is insufficient alone in helping workers advance economically. This framework identifies four components of a good job and the key drivers to expanding quality jobs.
Employers clearly play a pivotal role, because they control wages, benefits, and working conditions. But policymakers, public institutions, industry groups, and workers themselves must also step up to ensure that millions more people have access to good jobs and that more quality jobs are created. Dig into what defines a good job and the role that you can play in moving good jobs from theory to practice.