Condition of Career Readiness in the United States

Understand the state of career readiness in America and practices that increase the ROI for investing in career services.
The Condition of Career Readiness in the United States highlights findings and recommendations to help business and industry, federal and state agencies, elected officials, and national organizations reflect on what investments and resources are needed to support the future economic competitiveness of our nation. As the first report of its kind to combine federal, state, and national agency data sources, this report identifies states that have increased career readiness outcomes, as well as practices that increase the ROI for investing in career services.
The report was produced for the Coalition for Career Development Center (CCD Center) by the Boston University Center for Future Readiness with support from American Student Assistance (ASA) and the Collaborative on Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL).
To dive deeper, watch discussions of the findings from ASU+GSV, SXSW EDU, and the CCDC Summit, or read the key takeaways from the ASU+GSV session:
- ASU+GSV 2022: Career Readiness in America: An Inaugural Report from CCDC
- SXSW 2022: Career Readiness in America: An Inaugural Report
- CCDC Summit 2022: The Condition of Career Readiness in the United States